Formerly Loreto College| Darjeeling – 734101

Rules and Regulations

Responsibilities of Students

Responsibilities of Students
  • All students must conduct themselves in a becoming manner both in and outside College.
  • The college expects students to be both punctual and regular. In case of absence due to medical reasons, students are to bring a letter of excuse signed by a Parent/Guardian to be countersigned by the Principal before rejoining class. A Medical Certificate is required in the event of long illness or more than five days of absence.
  • A student may be asked to leave the College in case of serious breach of discipline.
  • Students are expected to be decently dressed.
  • Students are required to take an active part in all college co-curricular activities.
  • Mobile phones should not be used within class hours and within class premises.

Responsibilities of Parents / Guardians :

Responsibilities of Parents / Guardians :
  • Parents/Guardians are requested to co-operate with the college authority in enforcing rules and regulations of the College.
  • Parents/Guardians are to ensure that their ward strictly adhere to the dates regarding commencement of Classes after holidays.
  • If required, Parents/Guardians are to meet the College authorities regarding any problems or issues.
  • Parents/Guardians are to ensure that their wards pursue their studies at home.
  • If students are required to go out of station for study tours, field trips etc. Parents/Guardians are to furnish written permission.
  • Parents/Guardians are to inform the College, in writing, if their wards cannot attend regular classes.

Academic Regulations

Academic Regulations
  • As per NBU regulations students are required to attend 75% of the lectures and tutorials in each subject before appearing for University examinations.
  • Students are also required to pass the College periodical examinations as a condition for being presented for the University examination.
  • Compulsory attendance on the first and last day of every session, including holidays is necessary.
  • At the start of the College/University examination, parent/ students are expected to comply with the following declaration. 

 “I hereby declare that I fully understand that if I resort to unfair means or attempt to do so in any examination I will be expelled from the College. No appeal from me will be entertained. Furthermore, if I do not appear for an internal examination, I will not be selected to appear for the University examination. The decision of the authority is final and binding.”

Library Regulations

Library Regulations

The library in Southfield contains about eighteen thousand volumes. Its best sections are History and English Literature. In addition to the usual sections we have a small but developing section on Himalayan Regions, and we have started another section recently on Indian Fiction in English. The Library subscribes about thirty-six journals and periodicals. We have an open shelf system and we place implicit trust in each student’s sense of responsibility for the care and safe return of the books.

  • Students are not allowed to bring their bags, files and personal books inside the Library.
  • Books are issued from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. from Monday to Friday. 
  • Books lost, defaced or damaged in any way shall have to be replaced by the borrowers.
  • A fine of Rs. 5/- per day will be charged to the defaulters.
  • Books are not to be taken out of the library without issuing.
  • Silence is to be maintained in and around the library at all times.

RTI Corner

RTI Corner

COVID-19 Corner

COVID-19 Corner



TELE-Support During Covid -19

Students and Staff of Southfield College, infected with Covid-19 may whatsapp the positive report to  Mrs. Minu Gurung (9933874649) former Matron of YUMA Nursing Home, Darjeeling in case of tele-guidance and Counselling