Formerly Loreto College| Darjeeling – 734101


Educational Psychology and Counselling Labrotary (Addon Course)

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Psychology Lab is an integral part of the Department of Education. The institution has an equipped educational psychology laboratory, which helps the trainees to study and gain practical knowledge about the applications of the areas like intelligence, creativity, attitude, interest, and others in the teaching-learning process and students do hereby maintain a practical record of the same. The Psychology laboratory is well equipped with modern Psychological apparatus, Questionnaires, Inventories, and various tools to measure and assess different traits of individuals. Laboratories are up-to-date with the necessary pieces of equipment according to the periodical revision of the syllabus and other requirements. Students can carry out psychological experiments and learn by doing in our psychology laboratory. Under the guidance of teachers, they can verify the psychological evidence with relevant instruments to get the proper outcomes. Psychology Lab has all equipment and apparatus required for Educational Programs.

The objective of this is to guide the counselors in understanding and addressing the mental health needs of the individuals. Health Sciences and have been trained in basic counselling skills. . As a part of counseling, the counselor can check what measures of safety the client is taking and help them with correct and reliable information along with its rationale. It is helpful when a counselor is calm and patient introduces them self and the purpose of counseling, listens attentively, paraphrases, and summarizes the concerns to the client. A counselor can also use active listening and ask open-ended questions to explore the concerns more. Few statements like understandably, you are overwhelmed with the situation. Encourage them to acknowledge efforts over outcomes to reduce critical feedback and help them use more supportive words. Suggest them to practice methods that have worked for them and create more ways that are possible for them in their life context and based on their belief system. Suggest some research evidence-based methods like deep breathing, relaxation, and mindfulness. Identifying the problem, some possible solutions, testing the pros and cons of each, and identifying the most probable option can be effective. It helps when a counselor is realistic, calm, and supportive, especially during difficult conversations.

Students reach out to counselors with many different problems. Counselors can take them through a process of problem-solving. Identification and creating a problem statement. Explore when the problem has existed and how severe it is Identify who all are a part of the problem. The different steps that the client took to solve the problem before coming for therapy. Identify which steps were most effective. Assess the pros and cons of those steps and provide additional steps from your side if needed. Explore how the client wants to try the steps again by focusing on the pros and reducing the cons. Identify what the expected and realistic outcomes of these steps are. Help the client visualize the expected and realistic outcomes. It is the crucial first step before you can intentionally practice any other aspect of self-care. Resting is a critical component in an exhausting situation like emergencies to replenish and practice ethically and effectively.

According to the patient’s level of acceptance, disease, and the epidemic situation, time for recovery, and quarantine stay facilities, the treatment process will be objectively and truthfully explained so that the patient is well informed. Misconceptions will be handled at this stage. Adequate information will also be made available to the family members so that they also learn to deal with the situation and keep realistic expectations.



Integration of theoretical understanding by contextualizing and personalizing through/with practical experiences in order to consolidate and enhance the knowledge and skills of college students. To promote mental health, engagement and success. We, the college will nurture our college community by advocating for and promoting a healthy learning environment in order to ensure individual student success in current and future endeavors and fulfillment of social needs in the future.



The role of the psychology laboratory is to enrich/ improve the understanding of college students. Classroom processes of learning, teaching, development (different aspects), measurement, assessment, and evaluation, and the dynamics of the students, teachers, other school personnel including principal and administrative staff, parents, community, etc. A community that nurtures and inspires all members to pursue their fullest potential. Our college counselling program is designed to foster authentic student-to-counsellor relationships wherein each student is valued and able to recognize her own self-worth. We will make a concerted effort to communicate and demonstrate our concerns for and commitment to our students. As a result, each student will feel that she is valued as a member of the college.

Objectives identified and pursued:

Objectives identified and pursued:
  • To acquaint the prospective teachers with various tools for measurement of relevant dimensions of performance (Achievement, Intelligence, Attitude, Aptitude, Interest, Motivation, Personality, etc.).
  • To develop the skills for administering and interpreting various tests
  • To utilize data to ensure balanced development of learners in the school system.
  • Initiate and provide individual and group services for the academic, career, and personal development of students.
  • Promote and provide education, prevention and outreach activities, and crisis intervention services programs for students.
  • Coordinate referrals and access to resources for academic skill and learning enhancement, safety, mental health treatment and personal success.
  • Improve the living and learning environment through consultation, training, and community interventions.
  • To development the mental health.
  • Encouraging safety, health and hygiene
  • Reducing immediate distress
  • Normalise the worry and developing healthy ways of addressing worry
  • Take constructive steps towards solving life problems
  • Increase supportive communication in relationships
  • Help individuals cope better with their life challenges
  • Generate a sense of realistic hope

The Psychology Laboratory at the College thus plays an important role in ensuring the development of a comprehensive understanding of tasks and responsibilities for the prospective teachers/educators. The student–teachers are encouraged to enhance their awareness of the different aspects mentioned and use their understanding to develop and consolidate the dynamic “profiles” that emerge about the school children, the schools, and themselves.