Formerly Loreto College| Darjeeling – 734101




The new FOUR-YEAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM (FYUGP) is being introduced from the session 2023-24 with a choice of multiple exits every year during the four-year program. 

View the details of the FYUGP and students are advised to read the instructions carefully before filling up the Application


  • Education
  • English
  • Geography
  • History
  • Nepali
  • Political Science
  • Sociology


  • English
  • Geography
  • History

Please Note

At the time of form fill-up, one major and two minor subjects are to be selected

Major subjects:

  • Education, English, Geography, History, Nepali, Political Science, Sociology.

Minor subjects:

  • Education, English, Geography, History, Nepali, Political Science, Sociology, Economics, Hindi.
  1. A choice of Major subject as Geography with one minor subject as Economics (as one subject out or the two minor subjects) will lead to a B.Sc. degree after graduation.
  2. Before filling up the form students are to ensure that they have read the instructions carefully. The wrong entry cannot be corrected after uploading the Application form.
  3. Economically Weaker Section (EWS) certificates and Reservation certificates issued by the competent authority will only be considered.
  4. Wrong or false entry of marks, information or any documents will lead to cancellation of the application.
  5. After the publication of the provisional Merit List, admission will be confirmed only after payment of requisite college fees.
  6. Fees once paid will not be reimbursed if the candidate decides to withdraw her admission from Southfield College and further requests for reimbursement will not be entertained.